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Across Europe, clubs are turning to collective, membership-based bodies in order to enshrine the security and future prosperity of their club into the hands of those who care most – the fans.

The Galway United Friends Co-operative bring together like-minded supporters and stake-holders with the aim of fulfilling the needs and aspirations of our club.

Galway Soccer Co-Operative Society Ltd. (Comharchumann Cairde Ghaillimh Aontaite Teo) – One Team – on and off the pitch looking to the future success of football in Galway. Central to our purpose is our commitment to campaigning for support for our local team.

Joining the Galway United Friend Co-operative Society Ltd (GUFC) is open to people with an interest in the continuing community ownership and future development of Galway United FC.

The Galway United Friends Co-operative Membership fees are:


Adult: €15 per month or €180 Lump Sum

Concession: €7.50 per month or €90 Lump Sum

Overseas: €7.50 per month or €90 Lump Sum

You may also top-up your membership if you so wish.

Some aims of the Co-Op include:

  • Promoting Galway United FC positively amongst business and civic communities
  • Undertaking fund-raising activities to further the development of Galway United FC
  • Encouraging the ethos of volunteerism at Galway United FC
  • Promoting football in the community

Some of the benefits available to members of Galway United Friends Co-operative include:

  • Becoming a part owner of Galway United Football Club
  • Galway United Friends Co-operative share certificate
  • Access to the co-op members room at Eamonn Deacy Park on match nights
  • Voting rights in electing the co-operative management committee and representatives to the Galway United board of directors.
  • The opportunity to serve on the management committee of your co-operative
  • The right to attend, and vote, under the principle of one person-one vote, at the co-operative’s Annual General Meeting
  • Galway United Friends Co-operative membership card and car window sticker


View more information on the Galway United Friends Co-Op website