Taylor’s Bar and Beer Garden join as Match Partners for Shamrock Rovers game
Galway United are delighted to announce that Taylor’s Bar and Beer Garden will be Match Partners for our Senior Women’s game against Shamrock Rovers this Saturday.
Taylor’s Bar and Beer Garden is one of the best places to watch sport and to go on a night out in Galway. They show all the sports LIVE on TV and have a fantastic beer garden out back, the perfect place to spend a evening relaxing.
Taylor’s is the ultimate fusion of music and sport. They have live music 7-nights a week. From 9:30pm Monday to Thursday, Taylor’s have some of Galway’s best musicians belting out the tunes! From 7:00pm Friday and Saturday they have live musicians followed by live DJs from 9:30 until late!
You can find out more about Taylor’s Bar and Beer Garden on their website which is, Taylors Bar & Beergarden (taylorsgalway.ie)
If you are interested in discovering what commercial opportunities are available for your business, please see our Commercial Brochure or email marketing@galwayunitedfc.ie.