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Club Statement – Pyrotechnics

Unfortunately, at our most recent home game vs Sligo Rovers a supporter received an injury to their hand after Flares / Pyrotechnics were lit in the singing section of the Home stand.

The injured party was attended to by the medical team on duty and went to A&E for treatment and is fortunate the injury did not result in any serious/permanent damage. As a club we are working hard to promote a family friendly environment for all to enjoy and acknowledge the incredible passionate atmosphere that has been displayed all season.

Since being promoted to the SSE Airtricity Men’s Premier Division we have focused on adopting an open, reasonable, common sense communication dialogue with supporters to stop the use of flares/pyrotechnics/smoke bombs.

Disappointingly, a small section of supporters have chosen to ignore this and put the safety of many at risk.

With immediate effect we are implementing a zero-tolerance approach to anyone found with or using Pyrotechnics at our matches with automatic stadium bans in place. If identified there will be no right to appeal.

The safety of Supporters, Players, Staff, Volunteers and Officials is paramount, and rest assured we will do everything to identify those responsible.

Brendan Clarke (Goalkeeper & Chairperson of the PFAI) commented “The passion and support from our fans has been incredible all season. As players we want everyone to enjoy attending games and to be able to go home safely so please keep the support and noise levels high but respect the clubs request to stop using flares/pyros and smoke bombs.”

Stephen Walsh added “my kids and all my extended family attend games. They love it, the atmosphere, meeting other kids, wearing the jersey. Please let’s keep Eamonn Deacy Park safe for all attending.”

As supporters let’s all continue to work together to make Eamonn Deacy Park a really special enjoyable matchday experience and replace pyros/flares/smoke bombs with flags, songs, tifos, lots of noise & colourful maroon & white.